
Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Inside & Out Book Tag - Tag

I was searching through the blogsphere for any tags that looked like they would be interesting and fun to have on the blog. I stumbled across the Inside & Out tag on Books, Biscuits, and Tea. This tag is actually from a vlogger, MathomBooks, and it looks like it will be really fun! So, without further ado...


I - Inside book flap/back of the book summaries. Too much information or not enough? Discuss.
For me, this information is a perfect amount to make a decision on a book as to whether I want to add it to my Goodreads or, if I'm at the shop, potentially purchase the novel. However, if I'm sitting in a shop looking at different books, I'll normally have a few options I'll pick from by reading the first few chapters. Lately I've been reading a few books without knowing much about them at all,which has been quite fun. It leaves a lot of surprise within the novel, and so I've been trying that as well lately.

N - New book: what form do you want it to be in? Be honest: audio book, e-book, paperback, hardcover?
I definitely prefer physical copies of books. Audiobooks have never appealed to me, although I've heard a lot about them, I would find it hard to pay attention to the book. I've gone through e-book phases, but I really do prefer non electronic copies of books, although I don't mind an electronic copy to read every now and then. Between paperback and hardcover, I typically say hardcover but if it's a really nice quality paperback then I'll definitely enjoy reading that as well.

S - Scribble while you read? Take notes, mark up the book, make comments, or keep your book totally clean? Why?
When reading my books, I avoid making notes in them. I'll think about how I want to review the book, and periodically think what sort of rating and pros and cons the book has thus far and what sort of an impression it's left on me so far. Taking notes in the book or even in a separate book distracts me from the actual novel.

I - In your best voice, read us your favorite first sentence from a book.
To be completely honest, I don't have a favorite first sentence! I know people have been doing the first sentence challenge a lot lately, but first sentences never make or break a book for me, so I can't say I have favorites.

D - Does it matter to you if the author's male or female when you're buying the book? What if you're unsure of the author's gender?
It makes no difference to me. 

E - Ever read ahead? Or have you ever read the last page way before you got there?
Sometimes if I'm at the end of a chapter and things are really intense, I'll inadvertently look ahead but I stop myself to avoid spoiling myself. I know some people who will read the last page of a book, but for me it's about the stuff that happens throughout the entire book that makes it so wonderful, so I'm never tempted to read ahead.

O - Organized bookshelves or outrageous bookshelves?
Completely disorganized in some, but my TBR shelves are pretty organized actually, as are my favorites shelves.

U - Under oath, have you ever bought a book based on the cover alone?
Yes. I've probably read the synopsis after but if it was a pretty cover I went through a phase where I wouldn't be too picky about the summary to purchase it.

T - Take it outside to read, or stay in?
I've had some lovely outside days when I'll sit in the sun and read with my book, but generally I'm inside somewhere with a nice chair.

There is a tag! I haven't done many tags on the blog in awhile so it's fun to have another one for you all. I hope you've enjoyed and feel free to post your answers in the comments or, if you do this (I tag you all!) leave your post in the comments so I can go check it out!

From the paper world,

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Authors I Own the Most Books From - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at The Broke and the Bookish, and each week is a different theme that we list our top ten picks for. This week, we're talking about authors we have a lot of books from. I'm really excited to search my shelves and bring you this list of some awesome authors who I have books for! I'm not including duplicate copies that I've somehow picked up along the way, so here are the authors I own the most books of, which books I've read by them that I own, which I haven't, and a few of my thoughts. Also, I'm not including anthologies in which an author has featured because that could make this list a lot more complicated! This is just complete books and novellas.

Cassandra Clare - 11
I've loved the Mortal Instruments for a long time, so this is a series that I'll remember fondly. However, I don't know how much more of the Shadowhunter world I'll be reading, since my preferred genres and reading have changed over the years. One thing is for sure- these two series were the start of many a conversation with friends, and are books I'll remember. 
Read -

Favorite Cassandra Clare Books - City of Glass, City of Lost Souls, Clockwork Prince

Unread - 

J.K. Rowling - 9 
I think Harry Potter and its author will probably be featured on many lists, and I still make Hogwarts references to this day (I'm a Slytherin! Tell me your house below!)

Read - 

Favorite J.K. Rowling Books - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

C.S. Lewis - 8
I grew up loving The Chronicles of Narnia, and read some of C.S. Lewis's other works as well. He's definitely an author that inspired my love of reading with his books, and I love his writing. 

Read - 

(For post length's sake I included the link to a box set of all seven, but they are The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Prince Caspian; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; The Silver Chair; The Horse and His Boy; The Magician's Nephew; The Last Battle)

Favorite C.S. Lewis Books - The Horse and His Boy; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Jennifer L. Armentrout - 9
I know Jennifer L. Armentrout is a really popular author, but for me I read a lot of her books awhile ago and haven't picked up any recently. I love her Covenant series even though I've yet to read the last book, but I'm not the biggest fan of the Lux series. However, she is a really popular author and she writes an assortment of books, so I think many people will find books they love from her- for me that's the Covenant series.

Read - 

Favorite Jennifer L. Armentout Books - Pure, Apollyon

Rick Riordan - 7
I just read Percy Jackson and the Olympians this past November, and really enjoyed it. Hopefully I'll end up reading the Heroes of Olympus this year!
Read - 

Favorite Rick Riordan Books - The Sea of Monsters, The Battle of the Labyrinth

Unread - 

Shannon Hale - 7 
Shannon Hale is probably the most versatile author on this list. Included are books that are YA, MG, children's, and adult written by her. And honestly I loved all of them, and that's what makes her one of my favorite authors to look at her new books. A lot of these are books I read years ago that were extended into series or continued on and I never read past, so maybe sometime I'll catch up on these series. I definitely want to pick up more of her books, so if you have recommendations, let me know in the comments!

Read - 

Favorite Shannon Hale Books - The Goose Girl, Book of a Thousand Days

Julie Kagawa - 6 
Julie Kagawa is an author that writes all manner of YA fiction, from the Iron Fey (one of my favorite series a few years ago) to the Blood of Eden series that I've just started, to Talon which comes out this year. While I plan to read more of hear writing, thus far I've read 5 books and a novella.

Read - 

Favorite Julie Kagawa Books - The Iron King, The Iron Knight

Richelle Mead - 7 
I'm not the biggest Vampire Academy fan but because I have that and the first of the spin off novels, I included them here.

Read - 

Favorite Richelle Mead Books - Vampire Academy, Last Sacrifice

Unread - 

Jenny Han - 6 
Jenny Han is an author that I first read years ago, when her Summer I Turned Pretty series was just coming out. I'm going to be completely honest- I don't like that series. It really irritated me, and I didn't pick up any Jenny Han books again for awhile. However, when To All the Boys I've Loved Before came out, I got that and the first two books of the Burn for Burn series she's written with Siobhan Vivian, and I was pleasantly surprised. I love the other books, and I can't wait for Ashes to Ashes and the sequel P.S. I Still Love You. 

Read - 

Favorite Jenny Han Books - Fire with Fire, To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Dianna Wynne Jones - 5 
Dianna Wynne Jones is a British author that truly made me appreciate British authors. Her works are so unique, with this wonderful dry wit and humor. 

Read - 

Favorite Dianna Wynne Jones Book - Howl's Moving Castle

Unread - 

So, there is my very long post about the authors I own a lot of books from. I've always loved the idea of this sort of post and always wanted to do one like it. If you've read all of this, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoyed! Let me know your top ten in the comments!

From the paper world,