
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon - Interview with Nicole!

Hey everyone, and welcome! The Book Blogger LoveAThon is an awesome event put together by Alexa and Katelyn. I saw the sign ups for this awhile ago, read about it, and got so excited. A blogging event for everyone to celebrate book blogging and meet other book bloggers? Yes, please! One of the aspects of this event is the Interview Swaps.
My interviewing partner was Nicole of Paperback Princess. So, without further ado, here is my interview with Nicole!

How has your reading changed since you started blogging?

I used to read mostly adult books and would dabble in the YA world, but since I started blogging and going to conferences, I would read mostly YA. Once in a while I can sneak in an adult book, but it's so rare.

Looking back, what is some advice you would give to a beginning blogger?

Promote. Promote. Promote. You need to get your name out there and do everything you can to get people to notice you. As much as people don't like to talk about it, blogging is hugely a numbers game. It also doesn't hurt to get out there and meet new people.

What's been one of the most rewarding blogging experiences you've had?

Meeting my best friends. I really can't imagine what my life would be like without Hannah and Lexie who have been there through thick and thin. I lost my uncle while I was at BEA this past year, and I broke down in their arms and they were there for me. No number of publisher connections or conversations with authors will change how they have been the best thing to come out of blogging.

What are your thoughts on blog tours, and what's your favorite that you've participated in?

I really like blog tours. I think that they are a great way to see what other bloggers are out there. It's also a great way to get some exposure. My favorite would have to be a tie between The Flower Reader by Elizabeth Loupas because it was the first time that the author had ever commented in my review, and I just remember being euphoric at my college graduation that this had happened. I also adored participating in the blog tour for Mindee Arnett's The Nightmare Affair because it got me close to one of my closest author friends. 

When did you fall in love with reading?

I'm not sure I can remember a specific time that I realized I was in love with reading. My mother worked in a bookstore while I was growing up, so I always had a love of books. I can remember being in 8th grade and constantly borrowing books from my English Teacher's classroom and actually getting yelled at for reading during class.

What's one fictional world you'd love to live in?

This one is a no brainer, clearly it is Harry Potter's world. Clearly.

What's your favorite part about your blog?

I just got a new blog design, so that. That is my absolute favorite right now about it. I also love the name, not to toot my own horn.

You have one minute to write as much about yourself as you can. The clock starts now!

So one minute to talk about myself? I'm a 22 year old paralegal living in the heart of NYC. I've got a niece and a nephew who I love more than anything and my life is pretty great. I really fell in love with blogging after attending BEA12 which really changed my outlook on blogging. Without having joined I wouldn't have met so many great people.

So, there was my interview with Nicole! It's been so much fun to meet her and talk, and after emailing for awhile I really want to go to BEA! Thank you so much to Nicole for being a wonderful interview partner, and I hope you all will stay tuned for more Book Blogger Love-A-Thon fun!

From the paper world,


  1. I certainly think that one of the best things about blogging is the friends you meet by doing it! I have a few friends I can no longer imagine my life without that I met through blogging -- and it's awesome.

    1. I definitely agree, meeting other book bloggers has been the highlight- the Book Blogger Love A Thon has definitely been a big part of that!

  2. Great interview! Those are some great blogging tips and it's really so true - you just have to get over yourself a little bit and be willing to put yourself out there while still remaining true to yourself. It can be tough!

    1. It was really great interviewing Nicole- she's a great blogger and has a lot of blogging wisdom.

  3. Hey Violet! Yep, I lived there for two years! In Nagasaki prefecture, halfway between Sasebo City and Hirado City (With an awesome castle!) Definitely ask me whatever whenever, lol! Definitely a great place to go. I especially recommend visiting Hiroshima and Kyoto! Hiroshima is so peaceful and beautiful. It's completely been rebuilt! Plus, you can take a ferry to a nearby island with wandering deer and monkeys! And Kyoto has all these beautiful temples and castles, plus, of course, the geisha district! So miuch history!! Haha, and yes, this is why we get along so well! All the retellings! So glad you had as much fun with Cress as I did! <3 What are your favorite musicals?

    And for Nicole!!

    I read so much more YA now, too. I went from adult, back to this world. It started with blogging, but there is so much great YA out there. Glad I took the chance! I don't know where I'd be otherwise!

    1. That is awesome! I've seen some absolutely gorgeous photos of Kyoto, I hope to travel there one day and see other cities. That all sounds so incredible so yes, I would love to chat about this more with you! Hearing you describe all those cities makes me want to hop on a plane! And yes, all the retellings!! :) My favorite musicals.... ok Les Miserables, but that's because of memories involved as well as the actual musical. Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Cats, Music Man, Fiddler on the Roof, Into the Woods. There are probably more, but those are a few that I've enjoyed!


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