
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Books I'd Give to People Who Haven't Read Fairy Tale Retellings - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at The Broke and the Bookish, and each week is a different topic to pick ten books for. Today's theme is Top Ten Books I'd Give to Someone who hasn't read ____ Genre. I choose fairy tale retellings, which is one of my favorite genres and I think isn't a more popular one. It's not ten picks, but I tried to pick my favorites to share from the genre.

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce - This story is one that retells Little Red Riding Hood, and it's a very unique retelling, with two sisters who become werewolf hunters after a childhood tragedy. The character development is compelling and the story is a dark and intense version of the classic tale.
 Sweetly by Jackson Pearce - While this is technically the sequel to Sisters Red, I had to include it separately because it's my favorite. Sweetly's characters are ones I connected to, and the story was unpredictable despite it being a retelling. 

East by Edith Pattou - This is a retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon, which is one of my favorite fairy tales. I think it's very easy to depict the protagonist in the wrong light, and make the second half of the story drag, but East does neither. Instead, it creates a beautiful and enchanting story that I loved reading, and even pick up to reread on occassion.

Splintered  by A.G. Howard - Well, I had to mention my favorite Alice in Wonderland retelling. This series captures the whimsy and complexity of Wonderland while being a unique, fresh take on the world and original story. More than a retelling, this retells what happened in Alice in Wonderland in the form of Alice's descendants.

The Storyteller's Daughter  by Cameron Dokey - This story is truly rich and intricate, much like the tapestries in the story. The writing and tone of this novel is magical, enchanting. It's a story that I couldn't put down. The characters go through struggles and development as the story itself builds, and for a short novel this is one of my all time favorites.

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - I first picked up Cinder two or three years ago when a friend lent her copy to me. I was struck by how unique of a retelling this series is- science fiction and futuristic. Now, it's one of my favorite series, with Cress being one of my favorite 2014 reads thus far. 

Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson - Bluebeard's Wives is definitely one of the darker, grim fairy tales. This retelling captures the eerie, spooky vibe of it perfectly. I was held in suspense the entire time as we follow the narrator's plight and intense story.

Goose Girl by Shannon Hale- The Goose Girl is a fairy tale retelling, although until recently I had been unaware of the original story. Shannon Hale is an author I've discussed before in a Top Ten Tuesday, and this was perhaps one of the first books I read by her. It's unique, beautifully written, and a well told story.

From the paper world,


  1. I love fairy tale re-tellings so much, I will have to check out the ones I haven't read yet
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. Awesome genre choice, I really want to read a lot of these!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! These are picks I really enjoyed, hope you will too!

  3. Thanks for linking your list- hopefully you can pick a retelling up soon; I'd recommend any of these!


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