
Monday, November 10, 2014

Looking Back at the Letter

Back in February, I participated in the absolutely wonderful Book Blogger Love-A-Thon and wrote this letter to myself for when I've been blogging for one year. And I'm not going to lie, writing it, I wasn't even sure I would be blogging for a year. At the time, those few months had felt so much longer than they actually had been, but in an amazing way. I was unsure of the future and what it would hold, but that event made me love blogging even more and really appreciate the book blogging community. So, here's my letter to my One Year of Blogging Self - 
Dear Future Self,

Hello! How has the blog been going? I can't believe it will have been a year of blogging once you read this! Right now, I'm writing this for the Book Blogger LoveAThon, and so far I've participated in several blogging events. I stayed up for 24 hours reading, I've done Bout of Books, and I'm so excited for everything else that's to come. 

What's been your favorite read of the year? Have you had a good reading year? I know that I'm excited for more of blogging; meeting other bloggers and making friends, as well as sharing my love of books. So, I hope you enjoy your blog anniversary, congraulations on having come so far, and I wish you more happiness to come.

From the paper world several months back,

Looking back at this, it reminds me of all the fun blogging things that had happened in just those few months. I'd been lucky enough to read for hours on end with other bloggers, and to have read some wonderful books (even back then I knew I wouldn't be able to pick one favorite, but a few of my favorites have been Jellicoe RoadAmy and Roger's Epic DetourAnna and the French Kiss, and these books from My First Half of 2014 series). In general, I've had a good reading year, with some big life changes but a persisting love of books, albeit reading much more slowly now. I've also had so many wonderful opportunities to talk to other bloggers and do readalongs together. 
So, there's my letter to myself, a few months later, and one year later of blogging. What are your thoughts on how your first year of blogging went? Or, if you're still a newer blogger like myself, how has blogging been for you thus far? And if you're interested in the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon, Katelyn and Alexa hosted it in February and it was a lot of fun!

From the paper world,

1 comment:

  1. It's cool that you remembered and looked back at your letter. Thank you for sharing (:


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