Sunday, February 16, 2014

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon - Letter to Myself Mini Challenge

How's everyone enjoying the Book Blogger LoveAThon? I'm so excited for this next mini challenge! This is a letter to either your past or future blogging self. Since I've been blogging for a few months, I want to write a letter to myself for my one year blog anniversary. Then, when we get to that point this coming autumn, I can feature the letter and respond to it. So, without further ado...

Dear Future Self,

Hello! How has the blog been going? I can't believe it will have been a year of blogging once you read this! Right now, I'm writing this for the Book Blogger LoveAThon, and so far I've participated in several blogging events. I stayed up for 24 hours reading, I've done Bout of Books, and I'm so excited for everything else that's to come. 

What's been your favorite read of the year? Have you had a good reading year? I know that I'm excited for more of blogging; meeting other bloggers and making friends, as well as sharing my love of books. So, I hope you enjoy your blog anniversary, congraulations on having come so far, and I wish you more happiness to come.

From the paper world several months back,

Now, I want to hear from you guys- what was your first year of blogging like? If you're still a new blogger like me *waves* then tell me how it's going. I hope you all are enjoying the Love-A-Thon as much as I am!


  1. Bout of Books is so much fun! I have done it 3 or 4 times now I think and it is one of my favorite events! I hope that all you hope for comes true in your future!

    1. Thank you so much :) And I definitely agree, Bout of Books was a ton of fun I can't wait to participate in more!

  2. I enjoyed participating in Bout of Books too!

  3. I've never participated in Bout of Books, but it's something I keep thinking to myself that I really need to try!

    I love that you chose to address your future self, who's been blogging for a year! I remember my first year being both the best and the toughest, so all the best to you!

    1. Bout of Books is a lot of fun, and they host multiple ones a year, so hopefully you can find a time that works best for you!!

      Thank you, it's been so much fun so far, and I thought it would be a fun, nice addition to the festivities!

  4. Can't wait to see your responses once your blogoversary arrives! These blogging events are a great way to connect with other bloggers, and I'm glad you are taking part. Have an awesome first year!

    1. Thank you so much!! I'm excited to see what I think of it come October, as well. i'm really glad to be participating as well, and finding awesome blogs like yours. Thanks again :)

  5. I can't believe you've only been blogging for a few months. It feels like you're an old pro! And I love how you decided to write this to yourself for your blogoversary! Great idea!

    1. You're the best, thanks :) Yeah, it's only been a few months, and it's been so incredible and I can't wait for even more. Glad you liked the idea, and also I think you were one of my first commenters on the blog, so I wanted to say thank you for that too :)

  6. I think this idea is so much fun! I cannot wait to see what your responses are to those questions :)

    1. Glad you like the idea, it's a way to remember the Love-A-Thon in the future :)

  7. I just wrapped up my first year of blogging two weeks ago and I can't believe how fast the time went by! I bet by the end of it, you'll be wondering where the time has gone, too!
    This is my first LoveAThon, but I've done Bout of Books two or three times already and those are always a lot of fun! I would totally do one of the 24 hour readathons, I just don't think I'd be able to stay awake the whole time!

    1. Congratulations! That's such an awesome accomplishment! Even these past few months have flown by, so it's surreal to think of one day reaching a year. I had to take a nap during my 24 hour readathon, I'm pretty sure I slept or an hour and a half. But it's so much fun to tweet with everyone and do it. I've loved all the blogging events I've been able to participate in, I can't wait to be involved in more of them. Love A Thon was definitely an incredible event. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. My first year of blogging was interesting. There was a time when I was obsessive about posting, and a time when I did too many memes, and a time when I was really serious/objective in writing reviews. Eventually, with time came experience and development and growth -- and that's how my blog became what it is today! Time also brought me many new friends in the community, which is definitely the best part.

    I'm so glad that you're enjoying all these awesome-sounding events, including the Love-a-thon!

    1. Well, I love what your blog is today, so I think you're doing a wonderful job! Thank you for sharing, and yes, the LoveAThon is definitely an awesome event!! Thank you for hosting it, Alexa :)

  9. I remember being my first year of blogging being a huge happening. I never thought time would fly so fast - and that I would be at that place in my blogging career already. Enjoy everything you do :D!


    1. I've loved checking out your blog- thank you for stopping by and sharing your first year of blogging! It's so awesome to hear from bloggers about how their first year has been, and congratulations on your awesome blog and everything you've done so far!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love getting comments and responding, so thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! Thank you so much for stopping by, I truly appreciate it!