Monday, September 15, 2014

A Bit of a Life Update

Hello, friends! I know it's a bit of a break from the usual bookish talk, but today I just wanted to share a little bit with you all about me, and maybe why I've seemed a little more absent lately.

I just recently moved, and I'm in the midst of settling in and adapting. This was something I knew would put me behind on responding to comments and tweets, so I apologize about that with utmost sincerity. Talking with you all is the reason behind this blog, to share and discuss our love of books. So while I've been able to share new content with you, I haven't been able to interact very much, and I'm sorry about that. 

As I settle in, and even in the time before the move, I found that I wasn't picking up any books. I'm not sure if it was nerves about the upcoming changes, maybe some of you have felt that way, or some sort of slump, but hopefully my reading will be back on track and I'll be finding books I love. 

I'm definitely very busy right now, and still working on balancing blogging and life changes, but I hope that you're still enjoying the posts and I do still click around and read some wonderful posts, even if I don't have time to comment back and forth as much as I'd like. I hope you all are doing well, and I will continue to update the blog and hopefully get back on track with the commenting shortly.

From the paper world,

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